Tuesday 7 September 2010

Ben and I

So Today I had to attend a meeting and a pre-arranged with my darling friend Ben, for he wanted to borrow my pirate costume for Bestival.

o yeah, meet Ben,

He remains to be possibly the only reasonably sane, level headed and sensible person I know which is surprising considering I met Ben for the first time, Topless in a psytrance rave back in 06 (I wish I was joking)
He is by no means sensible in a dull way, but sensible in a "No sorry Loren, I can't come to some shitty indie electro night and dance with 10 year olds with you as I need to revise" The good type of sensible. He is also 75% pure Testosterone. This means his beard grows at a comic rate which naturally, I'm slightly envious of.
He's also one of those really annoyingly perfect people, he speaks too many languages, plays too many instruments, has received too many A*s and he would be a model he just doesn't want to be. what can I say? God just loves some people more than others.

It's a coincidence that when ever we see each other, I never have any money yet he always does, so it results in some type of mock date. He always buys me food and sometimes alcohol. Like today, we sat in Victoria Square and drank Tescos cheapest white. Today's conversation topics ranged from Regency architecture to sexual conquests (mostly his), history of the British monarchy to zombie invasions and how/why we'd survive. Deep stuff.

He likes earning money by doing clinical trails. In other words, he doesn't mind scientists poking and probing him or injecting him with swine flu.

We had pizza today, we had half of each others. We make the perfect mock couple.

5 minutes later

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