Monday 4 October 2010

Tabi Electric

Meet Tabi.

Infamous for;
Working in American Apparel
Her large circular 'porn' bed
Her colour coded wardrobe
Her blog.

Her Blog has a rather large following which isn't surprising as its a bit like Slutever, just without the sex.

She dresses like and looks like a 10 year old boy thus making her a peadophiles dream. I'm not a peadophile but I can imagine 10 year old boys with fully functional lady parts are hard to come by.

she's a keen photographer or film maker or something, all I know is she has about a million youtube videos, usually of her dancing in her underwear.

She's rather good at predicting the next cool thing, and this doesn't relate to the fact she works in American Apparel. You see, she was one of the very first people to like Lady Gaga, and of course, everyone claims to be the first person to like Lady Gaga but trust me.. she was the very FIRST person I knew to openly admit liking her. And it was way before all the surrogate Londoners started liking her "ironically"

She is one of those girls that changes her hair colour weekly.. you remember in school there was always that one girl whos hair was never the colour it was the last time you saw her? she's totally that girl.

She has a crush on Har Mar and Mike Myers, so she has clearly got one complex sexuality brewing within.

I don't see her much socially, for she lives in the stock room at American Apparel, though she has a club night called "Girl's club" which I initially assumed was a night for plus size lesbians wearing comfortable shoes. But then I realised it was actually just a normal night. I still haven't been yet.

Once she-or the boy she was getting with- accidently played footsie's with me in bed. Im not sure why I reciprocated, it felt rude not to or maybe my foot is a closet Peodophile.

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